Making positive changes in schools is incredibly hard work. It typically involves lots of teachers who are naturally inclined to protect their hard-won habits. As such, it is crucial to draw upon their experience and expertise, whilst recognising their beliefs, challenges, and sensitively handling their natural hesitations.
By asking simple questions about the acceptability, the appropriateness, and the feasibility of a proposed change, or new approach, it is probable that we increase the likelihood of its success. Happily, accessible questions have been developed by researchers seeking out insights into whether a change is likely to be implemented with success.
Take a look at following three measures (they can be used together or separately):
Acceptability of Intervention Measure (AIM)
1) [The proposed change] meets my approval.
2) [The proposed change] is appealing to me.
3) I like [The proposed change].
4) I welcome [The proposed change].
Intervention Appropriateness Measure (IAM)
1) [The proposed change] seems fitting.
2) [The proposed change] seems suitable.
3) [The proposed change] seems applicable.
4) [The proposed change] seems like a good match.
Feasibility of Intervention Measure (FIM)
1) [The proposed change] seems implementable.
2) [The proposed change] seems possible.
3) [The proposed change] seems doable.
4) [The proposed change] seems easy to use.
These three quick and simple questionnaires can be shared easily. Their language is accessible and they can be used to stimulate useful discussion, or the information can offer a prompt to adapt a proposed approach.
It is an all-too-human trait to be confident in making a successful change. Such optimism helps us get out of bed in the morning. And yet, we should probably temper it with a dose of pragmatism. These questions can help draw out that pragmatism and offer us rich information to intelligently adapt our efforts.