Rethinking Assessment

by admin

It is decades since Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam opened up the ‘Black Box’ to reveal the crucial importance of assessment as learning, but it would appear the messages from said box were not heeded. In each decade since, the topic of assessment has been consumed by the fiery debate of high stakes testing, accountability and grading. This crucial debate has often presented valid criticisms but too few viable alternatives, but is the tide turning?

This last week, Evidence Based Education and the Chartered College of Teaching hosted a panel discussion on ‘What Makes Great Assessment?’ The panel, including Daisy Christodoulou, Professor Rob Coe, Head teacher Sarah Lee, Tim Oates, Professor Dame Alison Peacock, David Weston, and chaired by Stuart Kime, covered the topic with expected aplomb – read a transcript of their contributions.

They pose the issue relating to how assessment has become an instrument of school judgment rather than being focused on students’  learning. The issue of an expanding teacher workload (Christodoulou cites DfE workload surveys that show primary teachers have doubled their weekly time spend on assessment, from 5 hours to 10 hours between 2010 and 2013) raised its ugly head in relation to assessment once more.

The debate raises the real issue of the dearth of high quality assessment specific training across the country. This really matters. How can we respond to national policies, like the removal of national curriculum levels, without a secure understanding of what could and should prove a better model of assessment?

In the past weeks I have written, from my perspective as an English teacher, on improving assessment. It can too often see assessment for learning bastardized and our students forced into a relentless sequences of mock exams (see my blog entitled ‘The Problem with Past Papers‘). Given the acute pressures of national accountability, it is no surprise that we would all be so mindful of national testing.

There is clearly an appetite for a fundamental rethink on assessment. The assessment discussion above is one such example. Daisy Christodoulou’s book, ‘Making Best Progress’, has proven a huge hit; ‘Learning First’ conferences are proving incredibly popular; assessment models like ‘No More Marking‘ are gaining traction as viable alternatives; and many great teachers, school leaders, researchers, and more, are leading the way.

As we enter the period of uncertainty that is the election of a new government, there is the promise of a mounting movement to improve assessment for our students and it is to be whole-heartedly welcomed. The calls demanding better national assessment accountability is loud and clear. We need better policies, better training and better ideas on assessment.

If you are a Twitterer, you may want to follow not just the experts on the ‘What Makes Great Assessment Panel?‘ but the many other great voices who are writing and speaking specifically about assessment, helping shift the argument a forging a necessary rethink:

Professor Rob CoeCEM, Durham University

Daisy Christodoulou No More Marking

Professor Dame Alison PeacockChartered College of Teaching 

Dylan Wiliamresearcher

Shirley Clarkeeducational consultant

Dr Chris WeadonNo More Marking

Christine MerrellCEM, Durham University

Stuart KimeEvidence Based Education

Michael Tiddteacher and school leader

Dr Becky Allen Edudatalab

Tom Sherringtoneducational consultant

David Didaueducational consultant 

Pie Corbetteducational consultant

Phil Stock teacher and school leader

Dawn Coxteacher and school leader

Jack Marwood – teacher

James Pembroke – data expert



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